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Hotel Josef Prague - The Best of Design Hotels in Prague Old Town Hotel Josef
Until 30. August 2024

Tribute to World Legends: Ray Charles

Ray Charles is known as a laughing jazzman, made famous by the 60s and 70s songs Hit the Road Jack and Georgia on My Mind. His life and professional journey has been fraught with tortuous obstacles, and despite this, both have been successfully and expertly navigated after a prolonged period of time. Ray Charles and Lee Andrew Davison share not only a love of music, but a desire to create music for an audience that will appreciate it and pass it on to the next generation.

Until 22. September 2024


The exhibition Kafkaesque focuses on reflections on Kafka’s work and poetics in contemporary visual art offering not a historical perspective of his work, but a view that reflects our present-day situation with all its complexities and ambiguities. Works by more than twenty internationally acclaimed artists show that Kafka’s work with its references to existential fears and personal anxieties is highly relevant for our times.

Until 25. August 2024

Modern Realist Approaches across the Czechoslovak Scene 1918–1945

The term New Realisms refers to a broader spectrum of the period realist approaches, including the areas of work traditionally referred to as Neoclassicism, Verism, New Objectivity, social art, magic realism and primitivism and, in photography, especially the New Vision.

The project follows works that formally and in terms of their content are related and reflect the modern realist tendencies of the 1920s, which until recently have largely stood aside from the predominantly Francophone interpretation of the development of art history in Czechoslovakia.

Until 20. August 2024

Piano Legends Unite: A Tribute to Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, and Oscar Peterson

A tribute to the finest jazz pianists performed by a world-class and world-renowned band! Hear the greatest jazz hits.

3. August 2024


The Femmeplay show is an unusual show full of elegance, style, sensuality and humor. This performance is a kaleidoscope of female energy and creativity. The emotional and thematic diversity of the whole show gives the viewer an experience that can touch him in many ways.

16. August - 24. August 2024

Magical Fountain

Czech technological heritage, the Křižík's fountain is being revived with a spectacular show produced by the company Pyroterra. This unique open-air performance combines contemporary dance, and new-circus arts with hi-tech effects and props on a monumental light dancing fountain, which was created 129 years ago by the famous Czech inventor František Křižík.

20. August 2024

Advanced Rum Tasting

Die Verkostung wird die Vielfalt und Schönheit der Rum-Aromen aufzeigen und ist für alle interessant, die ihr Wissen über Rum vertiefen und neue Ziele entdecken wollen. All dies wird anhand spezieller Proben demonstriert und von einem ausführlichen Vortrag begleitet, der den gesamten Herstellungsprozess erläutert. Den Auftakt bildet ein Begrüßungsdrill. Danach werden die Teilnehmer mit sechs Kostproben verwöhnt, von denen eine eine Überraschung ist, die sie vor Ort erfahren werden.

7. September - 8. September 2024

Burgerfest 2024

Burgerfest brings together the art of restaurants from the Czech Republic and abroad, which have a burger theme of their own, and on the other hand, lovers of gourmet burgers. Every year, not only "carnivores" and enthusiasts of quality meat anxiously await the September weekend when the gates of the legendary Burgerfest open. This year, in addition to the traditional programme of music, entertainment and popular cooking shows, visitors will be entertained by an even bigger show. There will be a whole host of new things coming from North America – country music, cooking shows, American cars and machines, a pin up fashion show, electric quad bikes and workshops with more than just celebrities.

15. September 2024


The theatre company We Boys Who Walk Together brings a new dimension to the immersive experience. The audience joins the actors and becomes co-creators, the food becomes a prop, a partner on stage or another spectator. The ordinary feast becomes an absurd play.

17. September - 22. September 2024


You can look forward to various styles and genres of circus art, from aerial acrobatics, teeterboard jumps to juggling, dance, clownery and working with various objects. The show puts on stage a free-flowing mix between different styles and genres, playfully jumping between circus and dance accompanied by theatrical elements and stage art.


Concierge Team

Unique tips

As a design hotel with a savvy concierge team, Hotel Josef is tuned in to Prague’s art, design and food scenes. Whether it’s a culinary experience, jazz event or off-the-beaten path tour, our staff will introduce you to the events and places that match your interests.

We regularly update the Josef Loves blog on our website which reveals insider tips you would not find in every travel guide; both in the historic downtown and outside of the tourist highlights.

Discover the old town in the early morning before the city awakes or explore the Prague castle at night when it’s full of mystery; arrange an individual cultural agenda in advance of your arrival or during your stay.

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